On demand
Instructor : Dominique Laugé.
The production of digital negatives Epson K3 printing process makes it possible to obtain big format negatives adapted to contact printing with any alternative method.
Platine-palladium printing is a process of photographic printing by contact of a negative on a UV sensitive emulsion of a platinum and palladium mix. Often considered as the method giving the most beautiful gray nuances, as well as deep blacks, platine-palladium printing stands out as far as durability is concerned.
Patented at the end of the XIXe century, Van Dyke brown is know for the shades which recall the colours used by the painter of the same name. Like platinum-palladium and cyanotype, the coating being realized directly on paper, it doesn’t require a darkroom.
Created in 1842 by John Herschel, the cyanotype is a monochrome photographic process with which Prussian blue photographic prints can be obtained.
To gain benefit from the workshop, it is necessary to possess, prior to it, a basic knowledge of photography and expertise on Photoshop or another retouching software.
Proceedings :
Day one :
• digital negatives
• printing of negatives
• test on gray chart
• linearization
Day two :
• introduction to platinum-palladium
• introduction to Van Dyke brown
• introduction to cyanotypes
• chemistry
• instrumentation
• emulsion coating
• first printing test
Day three :
• printing
• drying
• retouching
Basic essentials : laptop, USB key and files to print.
Participants should finish the workshop having completed four prints.
Price : from June 2023, fee adjustment due to increase in the price of material.
1250€ inclusive of tax per person for three days with a registration fee of 375€.
Reduced price for professional photographers under 27.
Lunch at the Centre and material are included.
Group size : 1- 4
Dates : to be defined - on demand.
Terms of access : examination of demands on arrival. Time of access according to each workshop dates.
Spoken languages : French, English and Italian
Below, in French, you will find :
• The contract
• A detailed program
• A biography of Dominique Laugé
• Returns on workshop experience by participants
• Internal rules & regulation
If you find any difficulty understanding the information given in these documents, please get in touch with us.
For the general conditions, follow this link : http://www.centrephoto-gaillac.com/-GTS
Photo : Dominique Laugé